A Message from the Knowledge Session Team

As many of you will know, Prem Rawat teaches a simple method to help turn your senses from the outside world to an inner experience of peace, an experience unique to each person.
 He offers guidance and practical tools he calls the “techniques of Self-Knowledge”, or just “Knowledge.” Practicing these techniques daily helps you to better understand your true self, revealing an ever-evolving experience of heartfulness and contentment.
Prem Rawat’s Peace Education and Knowledge (PEAK) course is a prerequisite to help you gain a solid foundational understanding about the value of personal peace. At the conclusion of this self-paced course, you can choose to request a workshop, called a Knowledge Session, to learn the techniques. There is no charge to participate in PEAK or the Knowledge Session.  
The Knowledge Session Team (KS Team) is a global team of volunteers who provide support to individuals interested in learning or reviewing Prem Rawat’s techniques of Knowledge.
Team members, currently located in 45 countries including the South Pacific team here in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand, work together with a single focus and shared standards and goals.  Regional coordination teams organize in-person events where someone can learn the techniques of Knowledge or participate in a Knowledge Review. 
During 2024, up to the writing of this report, the South Pacific KS Team held 45 Knowledge Reviews for 945 attendees, as well as 13 Knowledge Sessions and over 25 community Video Events. These video events are another way of supporting individuals who enjoy the daily practice of Knowledge.
 The KS team have also been involved in training local teams to run these events independently.  These video events help people who have received the gift of Knowledge gain further inspiration and understanding. They are often held in conjunction with a Knowledge Review.
Knowledge Reviews were held in the Conference Hall at Amaroo.
The Ivorys Rock team continues to work hard year round to keep the site well maintained, and to be ready for the next International Amaroo Event. Feedback from our guests over the years shows that these multi-day peace events are life changing for many of us, and preparing for these events is our main priority.
Notably, the team collaborated with our global team to make Knowledge Reviews available for people who attended the recent Amaroo Event held at Ivorys Rock Conference Centre in September. We also responded, and are still responding, to the inspiration from Prem’s recent visits to Fiji and New Zealand.
Warm regards,
Rolf Koren
Knowledge Session Coordination team; Logistics South Pacific region.
December 6, 2024
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