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in taking care of Ivory's Rock

Special Projects

Completed Fundraising Project - 2024

Event Readiness: Campground Facilities Revamp

Thank you for your support.
With your help - and a substantial Queensland Government Accessible Tourism Grant - the work on the converting the green and yellow storm shelters into campground kitchens/accessible hubs is now fully funded and just about to be completed in time for the Amaroo 2024 event!
No need to go anywhere for breakfast or dinner, as this new ‘bush kitchen’ and separate undercover free BBQ area is right next to you and will have outdoor umbrellas and tables. Just sit back and enjoy the peaceful surroundings, with all the basics covered. This is also very positive for commercial events as well!
Final Accessible Camp Kitchen fitout equipment is about to arrive - everything you'll need will be in place soon
Back in the day! The storm shelters as they were.

Cabin Prototype Project

For years, Ivorys Rock (‘Amaroo’) has been challenged by a lack of permanent, fully weather-proof accommodation. For this reason the Campground Orange accommodation with ensuite bathrooms has proved particularly popular.
Now the time has come to meet that challenge head on, and, with your help, this new project will aim to construct the first prototype Campground Cabin at Ivorys Rock.
And our target for this first step, building an initial Cabin prototype - $45,000
This would include connecting to services and landscaping.
Our goal is to have a range of cabin types available around the property.

We are using the principles of environmentally-sensitive design:

  • Placing and arranging buildings with the least impact on the natural environment.
  • Keeping existing trees, making room for landscaping and appropriate planting.
  • Minimising disturbance of the ground for roads and building platforms.
  • Keeping buildings small for less impact (and affordability).
  • Buildings to designed to work as efficiently as possible with the sun.
We are also aiming for buildings to be low maintenance, fire resistant and durable in the harsh Australian environment.
Thank you for your support for the Green Cabin Project.
This project has now received in principle Council Development Approval but the project is currently on pause whilst the final design decisions/costings/location are made.
Once the Campground Cabin prototype project is up and running, we will post further pictures and designs, and then keep everyone updated on approvals and ‘next-steps’.

Completed Fundraising Project - 2022

The “Dream Machine” All-Terrain Tractor

Thanks for your help in reaching the target of AUD $80,000 so quickly late in 2022. 
The 'Dream Machine' Tractor has now finally arrived, along with all the attachments! It will set the team up to continue protecting and caring for the amazing natural environment that is Amaroo. The driver looks happy too!

Completed Fundraising Project - 2022

Amphitheatre Event Readiness – Fundraising Campaign

The “Amphitheatre Event Readiness - Fundraising Campaign” is now completed. Thank you to all those who contributed to getting the Amphitheatre Ready for Amaroo 2022.
After three long years without an event, the Amphitheatre was in need of quite a bit of repair work to get ready for September.
The shade cloth sails that provide protection from the Queensland sun were in a sorry state. We started with an initial target of A$10,000 to repair the shade sails. The sails are now repaired.
After the success of the ‘Sails’ campaign, we also fundraised more broadly for a further A$26,500 to cover the following items for the Amphitheatre:
  • Repaint the stage (A$10,000)
  • Back stage Carpet replacement (A$2,500)
  • Back stage Ceiling repair (A$6,500)
  • Translation booth upgrade (A$7,500)
The Amphitheatre is now ready!

Completed Fundraising Project - 2022

Refurbishment of the waste water treatment plant - the STP 

  • The STP - A milestone in Infrastructure built in 1999
  • The STP Holding Pond in action
  • The STP Control Room 
  • Major construction work took place from 1998 -1999
  • The Holding Pond under construction in 1998
  • Recycled water sustains the natural environment & wildlife 

The STP - an integral part of Event infrastructure

Constructed in 1998-1999 and designed to treat up to 400,000 litres of waste water per day during major events, this critical part of infrastructure at Ivory’s Rock is now 23 years old and in urgent need of refurbishment.
Without this system, it would be impossible to host large scale events.
Being in a rural location, Ivory’s Rock is not connected to a government sewage system. The centre runs its own Sewage Treatment Plant. (STP) Up to 30,000 litres of clean, recycled water is returned to the natural environment per day, helping to sustain many native animals and plants.
Through a system of three pumping stations, a treated water storage dam, and a network of cleverly designed pipes, the recycled water can travel up to 4.5 kilometres before it feeds the environment through a system of 120 pop-up sprinklers.

Key Objectives:

  • Improve the STP system so as to remain ready to host a major Amaroo Event.
  • Maintain this critical infrastructure so large commercial events can continue.
  • Improve the ageing STP system now to reduce ongoing and compounding maintenance costs, and to allow the system to be monitored remotely and securely.
  • Protect the fragile natural environment of the conference centre, and enhance the provision of recycled water across the property to support the pristine habitat for native species.
Thank you for your support!
We successfully reached the required amount - $29,000 - for first stage of the STP fundraising campaign. Many thanks for your generous support! This Project is a four stage process, which will continue to be rolled out over the next 12 months.
We are excited to announce that this project has now received funding from another source.

Completed Fundraising Project - 2021

The Mighty Mower

The Mighty Mower has now arrived and is in action.

Mowing the grass at Amaroo is a huge ongoing task. Did you know grass can grow 25mm/1 inch per day during the wet season in Queensland! 
This new mower will be able to do the 'finer' work that our existing larger tractors find difficult.  The F2890 Kubotu Front Mower is very manoeuvrable and able to mow closely around buildings and trees, greatly reducing the need for brush-cutters.
 Our Grounds team will save an enormous amount of time and effort, and be able to efficiently maintain all the grassed areas to a high quality.
Thank you for your support!
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