For years, Ivorys Rock (‘Amaroo’) has been challenged by a lack of permanent, fully weather-proof accommodation. For this reason the Campground Orange accommodation with ensuite bathrooms has proved particularly popular.
Now the time has come to meet that challenge head on, and, with your help, this new project will aim to construct the first prototype Campground Cabin at Ivorys Rock.
And our target for this first step, building an initial Cabin prototype - $45,000
This would include connecting to services and landscaping.
Our goal is to have a range of cabin types available around the property.
We are using the principles of environmentally-sensitive design:
- Placing and arranging buildings with the least impact on the natural environment.
- Keeping existing trees, making room for landscaping and appropriate planting.
- Minimising disturbance of the ground for roads and building platforms.
- Keeping buildings small for less impact (and affordability).
- Buildings to designed to work as efficiently as possible with the sun.
We are also aiming for buildings to be low maintenance, fire resistant and durable in the harsh Australian environment.
Thank you for your support for the Green Cabin Project.
This project has now received in principle Council Development Approval but the project is currently on pause whilst the final design decisions/costings/location are made.
Once the Campground Cabin prototype project is up and running, we will post further pictures and designs, and then keep everyone updated on approvals and ‘next-steps’.