Down on the Farm in 2023

With sincere thanks again to the on-going commitment and hard work by its volunteers, Peak Organics has had another successful year.
Generally lower rainfall during the year, and many frosty mornings during the winter presented challenges.
In May an early frost impacted the completion of the Rosella harvest. The Rosella crop was good though less prolific this year, and the fruit sold well. The ‘Scenic Rim Farm Box’ was again a very comfortable wholesaler for our product. Many local customers and jam makers were also well looked after at our farm gate.
Local and repeat customers visited for our range of fresh produce that included salads and leafy greens, herbs, snowpeas, spring onions, leeks, okra, turmeric, ginger, broadbeans, citrus and of course our quality garlic and several other items. New customers found how to call in to shop through our Facebook page
Visitors came in various ways – Peak Organics was one of the ‘Destination Scenic Rim’ Farm Gate sites in late August. Several High School groups visited as part of their study unit of ‘Paddock to Plate’ that explores food security. We have also hosted two NDIS volunteers throughout the year. 
All of these interactions have provided a lot of interest and enjoyment to volunteers and visitors alike – there is much to delight in, in this pleasant space.
Unfortunately more Fire Ant nests were located within the growing area. Through diligence and good communications with our certifier Australian Demeter Bio Dynamic and the Bio Security personnel, we have been able to ensure that the certification of the farm project was not jeopardised.
The nests must be treated by law. Affected areas were isolated and with efficient use of available growing areas, we have been able to plant out a certain amount of the spring crops and the Rosella seedlings for next season.
Most of the Volunteers are no longer on the shiny side of sixty. Looking to the future, various scenarios have been considered. In an attempt to protect our helpers, we initiated a three person management group this year while we kept the garden growing. This arrangement will continue into 2024, as it has begun to bring more balance to the various responsibilities.
There is always the need for more helpers. Enthusiasm and an interest in playing in the dirt and learning about growing are the main attributes required. This might sound like you!
The success of this small business is due to its many supporters in their various forms.
A very heartfelt thank you to everyone for your help in making this happen.
- Anita Greenwood
December 1, 2023
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