Farm Update 2021

What happened during 2021 ‘down on the farm’?

With generally kinder weather in 2021 – and receiving more rain than in recent years - everything grew well, especially what we would classify as weeds. 

We hosted young and old visitors – some school groups who were studying biomes and food security, a workshop introducing Bio Dynamic practices, and the focused young groups of earth lovers who got their hands dirty and their enthusiasm buzzing as they learnt to make a Bio Dynamic compost heap, find out about syntropic growing techniques and various other regenerative practices. 
In Autumn our rosella harvest gave great satisfaction with lots of rosellas finding their way into jams, some into cosmetic products and others turned into dried teas.  The garlic crop was harvested in November after being in the ground for eight months. It also returned a very pleasing bounty. No vampires have been sighted in the area.

Throughout the year we grew and sold a range of assorted leafy greens, zucchinis, tomatoes, various beans and peas, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and daikon and much more. 
In 2022 we intend to further develop the wholesaling aspect, as well as make greater use of the farm as a learning environment in presenting various regenerative practices. 

We will continue to offer fortnightly orders to people in the area who seek out nutrient dense foods. This has proven effective and it has the potential to be expanded. It is a more efficient way to connect people and good food in place of conducting a weekly market stall.  

If you are interested in purchasing from Peak Organics, you can contact us through Facebook 

Many heartfelt thanks to all who give their valuable support to the farm project - especially our helpers in the farm team as well as our shoppers. None of this would be achieved without your contribution and it is certainly appreciated - with enjoyment and satisfaction being witnessed in the process.
- Anita Greenwood
November 21, 2021
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