Peace Education Program

"Peace is possible when you start with yourself."
Ivory's Rock Foundation proudly supports the Peace Education Program in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
The program is a series of 10 video-based workshops, which gives participants an opportunity to understand and utilise more fully their own inner resources. 
Choice, clarity, inner-strength and contentment are just some of the themes explored, with time for participant reflection, discussion and workbook activities.
Globally the Peace Education Program has been embraced by not-for-profit and government organisations across 87 countries. From universities to health and correctional facilities, the program has been proven to be effective in improving people's lives. Read More
Any individual or organisation can apply for a free license to offer the course. The role of facilitator requires no professional qualifications. Our Foundation, in partnership with TPRF offers course support, materials and workbooks at no cost.
If you would like to offer this program learn more here.
In our region approx 70 volunteers are involved in facilitating the Peace Education Program in a variety of community groups and government organisations. 
Correctional Facilities in Australia and New Zealand which run the workshops have seen a reduction in violence amongst inmates, and a low incidence of  reoffending.  
Most recently the program has been adapted for High Schools, Universities and Colleges. (PEP EDU) Programs are now under way in New Zealand, Australia and in other countries around the world.

Participant's Reflections

"It focuses me on the important things, like peace, contentment and fulfillment, which I tend to brush over in the busyness of life." 
Community Library, Tasmania, Australia.
"It was empowering recognising my inner feelings for peace and happiness." 
Community Centre, Otaki, NZ.
"My peace was taken from me many years ago. I had no idea that it was still there inside me and that I could feel it again. It is so empowering to know that I can."  
Correctional Facility, Australia.
"I’ve noticed a difference in my way of thinking and the way I feel - less fear."  
Community Centre, Nelson, NZ.
I've never felt that I had to come to the classes. Actually, I really wanted to come, to learn and discuss about peace." 
English Language School, Brisbane, Australia.
"I really appreciate everything that Prem does to help people all over the world and I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart. He has really helped me to work through a lot of problems in my life." 
Correctional Facility, Australia.
"Thank you. You have given me a clearer understanding of the resources I have inside of me. I feel stronger and calmer." 
Community Library, Tasmania, Australia.
"I enjoyed the simple messages. It's relevance to my life - living a deliberate life rather than one out of habit." 
Community Centre, Otaki, NZ
"Even if you are from a violent country, or if you had violence in your childhood, it's not an excuse to be violent. You can be the light in the darkness."
English Language School, Brisbane, Australia.
"Making me more aware of my resources. Helping me understand that I have choices and it is up to me."
Community Centre, Nelson, NZ
"Listening to this makes me want to practice my culture." 
Drug Rehabilitation centre, Alice Springs, Australia.
"Every one of these sessions is about everyday stuff. It is about something you know, but haven’t put any thought into. I was narrow minded but now I am open to the whole world." 
Homeless Hostel, Tasmania, Australia.
"Prem Rawat is an amazing speaker. A weekly reminder of what is really important and the simplicity of what we are looking for." 
Clarence U3A, Tasmania, Australia
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