Volunteer Update

2024 has been another great year to volunteer and be involved!

Volunteering at Ivorys Rock

So much is made possible by the goodwill and enthusiasm of our volunteers, and this year was no exception!
Early in the year, summer heat and storms in south east Queensland made it difficult for volunteers at Ivorys Rock to be involved in their usual capacity.
However, the break allowed plenty of time to plan a jam packed, twelve-day 'Amaroo Ready Retreat' in April/May, to prepare for a possible Amaroo Event.
Retreat attendees enjoyed a full itinerary, including a 3 day Peace Education Facilitator's Development Workshop, 2 Knowledge Reviews, an ‘Understanding & More’ and other special event screenings.
Over 60 people from across Australia attended. Accommodation was provided in ensuite Orange Cabins with delicious catering supplied by local chef, Areta Taylor.
Many hands make light work, and with the enthusiasm of our volunteers, it made for an enjoyable and satisfying experience for all involved!
Each day people could choose to plug into the 2 hour slots, morning or late afternoon. A lot was achieved with over 700 hours invested in venue care, as well as over 300 hours to host the retreat. It was so successful we hope to have another retreat in 2025. Thank you to everyone!

Amaroo Event

Due to supportive teamwork, the Volunteer roles and application form were up and ready on the website when registration opened. People were able to indicate if they could come early or stay later. Several volunteers who could not attend helped virtually from their home towns. This worked well and they enjoyed feeling part of it.
Volunteer Patti from the USA - photo Janet Wallace
The ‘Early Arrivals Team’ hosted approx 80 volunteers, many of whom arrived several weeks before the event, to help with set up and preparations.
One of the major projects involved the purchase and set up of equipment for the two new Camp Kitchens.  The kitchens were well used before and during the event, and then continued as happy hubs, in the post event take down period.
In all, 515 volunteers were involved to plan and put on the Amaroo Event
"I have worked thousands of events over my lifetime, and I have to say this year's Amaroo was the best to work at....Looking forward to the next event"  MT

2025 - Ivorys Rock Participation

Hans Christian Kleist is the Volunteer Project coordinator, working with Venue Caretakers and Facilities to maintain buildings and carry out long term projects.
 If you have time available and would like to know how to get involved you can contact Hans via this website's Contact page. Click on Volunteering to send him a message.  * For those who live farther away, please ask about the possibility of on-site accommodation when you enquire.

Current projects:

‘Team Pristine’ has been formed to elevate standards and improve presentation of venues and sites around Ivorys Rock.  Anyone can join! 
Currently the team is undertaking the exterior painting of the Pavilion shops, with two qualified painters volunteering their time.  There are also non-skilled tasks involved to prepare surfaces.
If you are interested to be involved, please contact Margaret the Pavilion Caretaker through Volunteering on the Contact page
The Stores Restoration Team is focussed on refreshing the Stores (Maintenance) Area behind the Amphitheatre. Their first task will be to sort through the equipment and materials to decide what is to be recycled, disposed of, or kept. There is a lot of scope to beautify this area and painting could be next.
If you are interested to be involved contact Nigel through Volunteering on the Contact page

Regular and Casual Roles

A number of volunteer vacancies are open. To apply or for more information contact HR via Volunteering on the Contact page
  • PWK Events Organiser - to coordinate events and work as part of the Retreat Organising Team. This includes catering and accommodation, audio visual (if used).
  • Volunteer Stays Hosts - greets and orientates volunteers not familiar with Ivorys Rock, and maintains a comfortable and friendly environment.
  • Jacaranda Caretaker Team – the general maintenance and upkeep of the Jacaranda buildings and surrounds.
  • Orange Camp Caretaker – part of the Caretaker Team, keeping an eye on the Cabins. General maintenance & reporting issues.
We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
 Lesleigh Daly & Lorraine Chamberlain for the Volunteer Team.
Thank you to the Team for refreshing the Reception Area earlier this year.
December 7, 2024
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